Our Egypt tour is amazing: cruising on Nile river, riding camels into Nubian (ancient tribe) town, riding horse carriages, seeing Egyptian temples (more than 3000 years old), riding hot air ballon over Valleys of Kings and Queens, visiting museum, staying in Mena House Hotel where Cairo Conference was held. We flew in from Taipei on Emerates A380 (a lot of free seats) and took a night train from Cairo to Aswan. SF to Taipei round trip only costed us $350 each.我們埃及之旅非常神奇好玩:坐遊輪在尼羅河上巡遊,騎著駱駝進入努比亞(古部落)鎮,乘坐馬車,看埃及的神廟(3000多年),騎著熱氣球飛越帝王和王后谷,參觀博物館, 住的旅館是當年開羅會議場址,從房間可看到金字塔。 我們從台北乘坐Emerates A380(很多免費座位),從開羅搭乘坐臥兩式的火車, 夜行到阿斯旺。 SF到台北往返只需350美元。
旅遊線路:Luxor and Egypt maps

The history of Egypt has been long and rich, due to the flow of the Nile river, with its fertile banks and delta. Egyptians built their paramids during Old Kingdom (2686–2181 BC) in Lower Egypt (north of Nile river around Memphis). Because of lootings, they built their tombs in Upper Egypt (around Luxor, Valley of Kings) during New Kingdom (1550–1069 BC). King Tutankhamun's tomb is the only one which is not looted. In 332 BC, Alexander the Great conquered Egypt and the death of Cleopatra (30 BC) ended the nominal independence of Egypt. 由尼羅河所孕育出的古老文明,四千多年前古王國的輝煌的金字塔時期,三千多年前新王國的鼎盛時期,然後歷經希臘、羅馬、阿拉伯民族的統治,幾經戰亂,幸好古文物並沒有完全毀掉,古埃及文明在一些探險家和考古學家中活了過來。