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東中歐之旅 Eastern Europe 2015

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Our trip to Eastern Europe, geographically it is belonging to Central Europe, however, politically it is called Eastern Europe after World War II. Our tour guide got us to watch the trilogy of German movies called Sissi (misspelled) because before world war I , these places all belonged to Austria–Hungary empire and Sisi was their queen.
Eastern European history is very complicated. I wrote and posted 4 pages here so it may help to understand.

I will mainly use English and German names. 由於各地音譯上的不同,因此以英文和德文名為主,偶爾再加中文名字。

* Arrive in Munich (München)
* Neuschwanstein Castle, the castle of fairytale, King Ludwig II
* Salzburg, Mozart’s home town
* Slovenia - Lake Bled, also known as “Blue Lake”
* Ljubljana, the capital and largest city of Slovenia
* Slovenia - Postojna Cave, the second largest cave in Europe
* Opatija and Rijeka, the largest port city in Croatia
* Plitvice National Park, series of beautiful 16 lakes and waterfalls
* Zagreb, the capital of Croatia
* Budapest, the jewel of Danube River
* Bratislava, the capital and largest city of Slovakia
* Vienna (Wien), the capital of classical music
* Brno, the second largest city in Czech
* Prague (Praha), the city of towers
Some highlights:
* Fishermen’s Bastion, Prague Castle, St. Vitus Cathedral, Old Royal Palace
* Danube River Cruise & Hungarian Horse Show in Budapest
* Schönbrunn Palace Vienna: Former imperial Baroque style summer residence
* Postojna Cave: Hundred years old magnificent caverns with stalactite formations
* A taste of local cuisine: pork knuckle meal in Munich, Wiener Schnitzel in Vienna, Buffet dinner cruise in Prague

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Click to watch All Budapest videos.
Click to watch All videos of Croatia & Slovenia.
Click to watch All Prague's videos.
Click to watch Munich and all other videos.

Ulm, Germany 烏爾姆

The Danube (German: Donau) is Europe's second-longest river, located in Central and Eastern Europe.
多瑙河(德文:Donau)是歐洲第二大河,全長2857公里, 是世界上流經國家最多的河流,最後從多瑙河三角洲注入黑海。

Before we started our Eastern Europe tour 東歐之旅, we visited relatives at Ulm, Germany. It is about 130 km west of Munich and has the church (Ulmer Münster) with the tallest steeple in the world and the Danube (Donau). It is the birth place of Einstein.
烏爾姆是德國Baden-Württemberg 邦的一座城市,位於多瑙河畔, 離慕尼黑約130公里。 它有世界上最高的教堂鐘樓(Ulmer Münster),向頂一共768階台階。 它是愛因斯坦的出生地。
We took a 3 hour train from Munich airport to Ulm. The train station is right at the airport. Interesting, there are no gates and no one to check our tickets. The German home and the view here still amazed us. Ulm's downtown is just next to the river. We went to have Greek dinner which is great and has a lot of food.

Is the Danube blue? Check out the color of Danube in Ulm or later in Budapest here. The swans at Ulm's Danube are beautiful and fighting Ha.... Watch this video with 藍色的多瑙河。看天鵝, 多瑙河是藍色的嗎?

Munich (Munchen) 慕尼黑

Munich (Munchen) is the capital of a southern German state of Bavaria (Bayern), previously Kingdom of Bavaria. We visited the Nymphenburg Palace which is the summer residence of former rulers of Bavaria. We learned about Sisi (Elisabeth), born in Munich into the royal family before she became the Empress of Austria (Vienna), Queen of Hungary (Budapest), Croatia and Bohemia (Prague). It involves most the locations of our Eastern European trip.
They call her Princess Sissi (misspelled and she was not princess but duchess; it is a name of a French and French-Canadian animated series). Sisi grew up in a very unrestrained and unstructured environment and so was ill-prepared in formal Habsburg court life (Vienna). She often visited Hungary for its more relaxed environment and came to develop a deep kinship with Hungary and helped to bring about the dual monarchy of Austria–Hungary in 1867.
慕尼黑位於德國南部阿爾卑斯山北麓的Isar河畔,保留著原巴伐利亞(Bavaria)王國都城的古樸風情。我們參觀了一座巴洛克式宮殿,是巴伐利亞統治者的夏宮(Nymphenburg)。茜茜(Sisi)是巴伐利亞女公爵(其實她不是公主),後來成為奧地利(Vienna)皇后, 匈牙利(Budapest)、波希米亞(Prague)、克羅埃西亞(Croatia)王后,她的美貌和魅力征服了整個歐洲,被世人稱為「世界上最美麗的皇后」。
茜茜(Sisi)的童年沒有受到太多拘束,喜歡自由自在,帶著豪放狂野的作風。 從一開始她就很難接受哈布斯堡(Habsburg)王朝宮廷內(Vienna)的宮廷規矩,因此她在皇宮裡非常孤立。她本人喜歡騎馬、讀書和藝術。1867年,哈布斯堡王朝對動亂中的匈牙利提出奧地利-匈牙利(Austria–Hungary)折衷方案。茜茜始終對匈牙利民族持同情心,於布達佩斯(Budapest)加冕為匈牙利王后。

The name of the city "Munchen" means "Monks". At the center is the Marienplatz square with the Old and the New Town Hall which has a tower containing the Rathaus-Glockenspiel. It has chimes and life-sized figurines to amuse tourists. The Frauenkirche "Cathedral of Our Dear Lady", with two 99 meter towers, is a distinctive landmark of Munich. We went to visit BMW factory. In evening, we enjoyed German Beer and Pork Knuckle dinner at Hofbräuhaus, a historic royal brewery.
慕尼黑 (Munchen)名稱的本義是僧侶之地, 因此市徽上表現的就是一位修道士。市中心是瑪利亞廣場(Marienplatz),舊市政廳(Altes Rathaus)和新市政廳(Neues Rathaus)都在這裡。新市政廳有一個華麗的壁鍾,有與真人一樣大小的玩偶表演。聖母教堂(Frauenkirche)是慕尼黑鮮明的地標, 雙塔高達99米。我們去參觀寶馬原廠。後來我們參觀了歷史上皇家釀酒廠(Hofbräuhaus), 吃著名的德國啤酒和豬腳大餐。

Neuschwanstein Castle 新天鵝堡

Neuschwanstein Castle was built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria as a personal refuge and a romantic interpretation of the Middle Ages. Only 14 rooms were finished, It is one of the most beautiful castle in Germany. Situated among dense forest, you will be amazed by this grandiose fairy-tale castle which was the inspiration for Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle and later, similar structures. Nerby is Hohenschwangau Castle near the town of Füssen.
新天鵝堡(Neuschwanstein Castle)是19世紀晚期, 巴伐利亞國王Ludwig II所建的「夢幻城堡」, 其中只有14房間完工。它的 外型激發了許多現代童話城堡的靈感,包括迪士尼樂園的睡美人城堡。在一片茂密的森林中,欣賞這座童話城堡,讓你彷彿回到童年的快樂時光。 高天鵝堡(舊天鵝堡,Hohenschwangau)與新天鵝堡隔山相望,毗鄰Füssen市。

Neuschwanstein Castle is located near Füssen in southwest Bavaria, as the southern terminus of the Romantic Road (浪漫之路)是從Würzburg到Füssen的一條旅遊路線,全長約350公里,沿途文化景觀豐富多彩。

Salzburg, Austria 薩爾斯堡

Salzburg (literally: "Salt Fortress") is on the banks of the Salzach River, at the northern boundary of the Alps. It was the birthplace of 18th-century composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and the setting for the musical film "The Sound of Music". Its Old Town was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
We went to Mirabell Gardens, where “The Sound of Music” was filmed. Then walked to Mozart's birthplace and continue to main square to see beautiful fountains and nearby cathedral and Mozart Square.
We arrived Salzburg in the evening. We had to leave in the next morning so we only had night time to look at the Old Town. Luckily we had bee here before. Guided by our tour guide, we walked in Old Town until 10 pm.

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