Rijeka (Italian and Hungarian: Fiume) is the largest port city in Croatia. Historically, because of its strategic position and its excellent deep-water port by Adriatic Sea, the city was fiercely contested, especially among Italy, Hungary, and Croatia.
Rijeka (義大利語:Fiume)位於Adriatic海灣畔,是克羅埃西亞第三大城市和主要的海港城市。該城的兩個名字,Rijeka和Fiume在各自的語言裡都是「河流」的意思。
Opatija is a town just southwest of Rijeka on the Adriatic coast. It is a popular summer and winter resort, with average temperatures of 10 °C in winter, and 25 °C in summer. It has a statue "Maiden with the Seagull" standing at seaside.
Opatija是克羅地亞的城鎮,位於Rijeka西南,由濱海和山區縣負責管轄,該鎮在1947至1991年間由南斯拉夫負責管治。它是一個受歡迎的夏季和冬季度假勝地, 有一個雕像“少女與海鷗”站在海邊。

On way to inland national park, watch the view of Adriatic Sea:
Zagreb, is the capital of Croatia and a city with rich history dating from the Roman times to present day. It is the most important transport hub where Western Europe, the Mediterranean and Southeast Europe meet, making the Zagreb area the center of the road, rail and air networks of Croatia.
Zagreb是一個有著悠久歷史的城市(從古羅馬時代到現在), 是克羅埃西亞的首都,是全國、西歐和地中海和東南部歐洲的最重要交通樞紐, 還有通往其他國家的國際列車, 市內還有有軌電車。
We were having lunch in a restaurant on the way to Hungary. Because no one could read the menu, it ended up we had ordered 2 big dishes with a lot of meats. This was after we had all-you-can-eat salad bar for $2+.
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