Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia. One still can see the walls built from Roman Empire and the beautiful mosaic floor. The city was strongly influenced by Austrian culture. Located at the middle of a trade route between the northern Adriatic Sea and the Danube region, it was the historical capital of Carniola, a Slovene-inhabited part of Austria-Hungary.
Ljubljana 是斯洛文尼亞的政治、經濟、文化中心,市區中猶保存羅馬帝國時代修築的城牆及美麗的馬賽克地板,地處阿爾卑斯山山麓的河谷盆地,風景宜人。城市的建築氛圍明顯受到了來自奧地利的強烈影響,位於河畔的市中心地帶,遍布文藝復興風格、巴洛克風格、新古典主義和新藝術運動風格的古老建築與橋樑,高地上始建於中世紀的城堡則俯瞰整個古城。
Interestingly, a group of people were dinning up in the skyscraper lift (2nd picture & video). We saw many people were sitting along the river and streets, and were quite relaxing. It was weekday. Do these people need to work or are they out of jobs (last 2 pictures)?

Lake Bled (Blue Lake) is in northwestern Slovenia. It is surrounded by mountains and lush forest. In the middle of the lake, there is a medieval castle on the island, a perfect viewpoint for the lake.
Lake Bled 因為湖水蔚藍,故有藍湖之稱,加上四周被群山環抱,湖光映襯山色,風景美得有如一幅圖畫。登上居高臨下的城堡,是欣賞湖區全景的最佳據點。
Postojna Cave is the second largest cave in Europe. It is 27 km in length, 115m deep, and 562 meters above sea level. One can see spectacular stalagmites and stalactites. We also visited nearby 700 year historic Predjama Castle.
Postojna Cave 是歐洲第二大鐘乳石洞穴,全長27公里,洞深115公尺,海拔562公尺,而洞內壯觀的石柱、石筍、石鐘乳…等地形都是歷經百萬年所形成。還參觀了附近擁有700 年歷史的 Predjama城堡。
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