多瑙河(德文:Donau)是歐洲第二大河,全長2857公里, 是世界上流經國家最多的河流,最後從多瑙河三角洲注入黑海。

Before we started our Eastern Europe tour 東歐之旅, we visited relatives at Ulm, Germany. It is about 130 km west of Munich and has the church (Ulmer Münster) with the tallest steeple in the world and the Danube (Donau). It is the birth place of Einstein.
烏爾姆是德國Baden-Württemberg 邦的一座城市,位於多瑙河畔, 離慕尼黑約130公里。 它有世界上最高的教堂鐘樓(Ulmer Münster),向頂一共768階台階。 它是愛因斯坦的出生地。
We took a 3 hour train from Munich airport to Ulm. The train station is right at the airport. Interesting, there are no gates and no one to check our tickets. The German home and the view here still amazed us. Ulm's downtown is just next to the river. We went to have Greek dinner which is great and has a lot of food.

Is the Danube blue? Check out the color of Danube in Ulm or later in Budapest here. The swans at Ulm's Danube are beautiful and fighting Ha.... Watch this video with 藍色的多瑙河。看天鵝, 多瑙河是藍色的嗎?
東中歐之旅(一) 多瑙河畔: Ulm、Budapest, Slovenia
暑假快到, 現在歐元下降,是最佳時機遊覽歐洲!
東歐有很多小國,有著非常豐富的歷史和文化,最好有一個專業的當地導遊來講解,否則玩回來是什麼 “沒宰羊”。
Ulm 是德國南部的一座城市,位於多瑙河畔, 有世界上最高的教堂鐘樓(Ulmer Münster),向頂一共768階台階。它是愛因斯坦的出生地。We took a 3 hour train from Munich airport to Ulm. The train station is right at the airport. Interesting, there are no gates and no one to check our tickets. Ulm's downtown is just next to the Danube.
Watch this video with 藍色的多瑙河 in Ulm。看天鵝, 多瑙河是藍色的嗎?
Budapest is the capital of Hungary. It became a single city occupying both banks of the river Danube with the unification of Buda and Óbuda on the west bank, with Pest on the east bank in 1873.
We went to a Hungarian horse farm to see its traditional horse show. Interestingly, they dress and ride like Mongolians.
我的東中歐之旅2015 Blog 如下: