布拉格位於Vltava河畔, 是捷克和歷史上波西米亞(Bohemia)的首都, 東歐最美麗的山城,有「中世紀寶石」的美譽。 它是一座歐洲歷史名城, 先後由於宗教原因發生2次將人扔出窗外的事件, 在奧匈帝國時擁有舉足輕重的地位。 到此一遊,彷彿時光倒轉至中世紀,抬頭所及皆是悠久歷史的教堂和建築,耳中聽到的是悠揚的樂聲,有如一套完整的文學、藝術、音樂和建築之旅, 它的歷史中心被列入世界文化遺產。
We arrived at Prague in afternoon. After crossing Cech Bridge, we first toured Jewish Quarter and then walked to the Old Town Square where the Tyn Church (Church of Our Lady before Týn) and most notably the famous Astronomical Clock are located. We stayed 2 extra days and took more pictures.
我們下午抵達布拉格, 首先參觀猶太舊區,然後漫步到生氣蓬勃又饒富古意的舊城廣場,廣場上充斥著街頭藝人、絡繹不絕的觀光客,以哥德式雙塔建築著稱的Tyn教堂,是廣場上最醒目的建築。舊市政廳最受遊客歡迎的是牆上的天文鐘,每到整點,天文鐘上方的窗戶開啟,一旁的死神開始鳴鐘,耶穌的十二門徒在聖保羅的帶領下移動現身,最後以雞啼和鐘響結束。我們多住2天再多拍一些照片。
Next morning we went to see Strahov Monastery and Loretto Church, and walked to Prague Castle to visit the old Royal Palace, the residence of Bohemian kings and St. Vitus Cathedral which took nearly 700 years to complete, and go to Golden Lane which has many tiny colored houses where No. 22 was the residence of Franz Kafka, the famed Czech-Jewish writer.
第二天前往 Strahov修道院和Loretto教堂, 然後漫步到布拉格古堡區,首先到以前波希米亞(Bohemian)國王的舊皇宮,接著前往歷代國王加冕的St. Vitus 大教堂,是布拉格重要的地標。 隨後來到Kafka筆觸下的黃金小巷,鋪石的狹窄巷道兩側,色彩繽紛的房舍比鄰而立,而門牌22號水藍色的房舍,是昔日作家寫作的場所。
Later we walked down the hill to Charles Bridge, the oldest stone bridge in Eastern Europe, with statues of saints on both sides. We had lunch by the river. At night, we enjoyed dinner cruise along Vltava River. The next 2 days, again we went around old town and Charles Bridge area. then we went farther into New Town district.
然後走下山來到東歐最古老的石橋-查理大橋,橋兩旁矗立了頗富哲思的聖者雕像,橋上盡是街頭藝術家,包羅萬象,人潮絡繹不絕。我們在河邊吃午餐, 晚上Vltava河遊船,並於船上享用晚餐。接下來的2天,我們去到更遠的新城區。

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