之前我做了巴爾幹半島的完整報告, 之後我們到了被認為是西方文明的搖籃,民主的發源地希臘。 我們在幾個博物館拍了很多照片,這讓我花了一些時間來了解它的歷史和文明。 令我感到驚訝的是,希臘大陸人起源更接近北非,而克里特島人則來自西亞。 Previously I made a complete report on our Balkans tour. After that we toured Greece which is considered the cradle of Western civilization, being the birthplace of democracy. We took a lot of pictures in several museums and it made me to spend sometime to understand its history and civilization. I was surprised that the origin of the population on mainland Greece is closer to North Africans and that of Crete Island is to West Asians.
我編制了一張圍繞地中海和歐洲國家基因地圖, 在歷史上和根據聖經創世記, Hamites(含族, E1b1b型), 是北非和非洲之角(包括古埃及)人,而 Semites (閃族, J型)是西亞人(阿拉伯,猶太人等)。 傳統上他們被歸類為高加索人種。 巴爾幹有異常高大的男性,因為他們的祖先是長毛象獵人 (末次冰盛期土著, WHG, I型)。 I made a genetic map for human population in the area around Mediterranean countries and Europe. Historically, Hamites (E1b1b on map) were referred to natives of North Africa and Horn of Africa (including ancient Egyptians) and Semites (J types) were people in West Asia (Arabs, Jews etc.) According to the Book of Genesis, they are descendents of Ham and Shem, sons of Noah. Traditionally, they were classified as Caucasian race. Balkans have unusually tall males because their ancestors are mammoth hunters (natives from Last Glacial Maximum, WHG, I type).

希臘大陸的主要單倍群體是 E1b1b=24%,但在克里特島上則是 J=39%, 可以推斷古代克里特人不是希臘人,最初來自西亞。 在新石器時代(公元前7000年),來自西亞的農業蔓延到歐洲。 歐洲文明以每年約1公里的速度, 從歐洲東南部擴展到西北部, 它最早的文明在克里特島(Crete), 大約在9000年前。 同樣,地中海周邊地區有早期文明, 這些區域與人類"走出非洲"理論有很大關係(看地圖), 在地理名稱上, 中東 = 西亞 + 埃及 - 南高加索, MENA = 中東 + 北非, 或者 WANA = 西亞 + 北非。 The dominant haplogroup on Greece mainland is E1b1b=24% but on Crete island is J=39%. It can infer that the ancient Cretan were not Greeks and originally came from West Asia. During the Neolithic (7000 BC), farming from western Asia spread to Europe. European civilization expanded from southeast to northwest at about 1 km/year. Earliest civilization is at Crete island about 9000 years ago. Similarly, the area around Mediterranean also has early civilization and is very much related to human "Out of Africa" theory (see map). In geographical term, Middle East = West Asia + Egypt - South Caucasia, and MENA = Middle East + North Africa, or WANA = West Asia + North Africa.
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