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Casablanca 摩洛哥最大城市
早上,前往摩洛哥最大的城市Casablanca, 它的歷史可以追溯到幾千年前,因為柏柏人在公元前10世紀左右在那裡建立了定居點。 路上停下來吃午飯, 抵達後參觀了假的Rich's Cafe,它因電影“Casablanca”而聞名。 參觀城市, 包括Hassan二世清真寺的外觀,摩洛哥最大的清真寺和美麗的濱海。 繼續開車穿過Casablanca的住宅區到市中心,參觀穆罕默德五世廣場,Habous區和Lourdes聖母大教堂。 晚上,享受告別晚宴, 然後在晚上10點離開到機場。 In morning, journeyed to Casablanca, the largest city in Morocco. Casablanca's history goes back thousands of years as the Berbers established settlements there around the 10th century BC. Along the way stopped for lunch. Upon arrival, we visited the fake Rich's Cafe. The city is famous because of the movie "Casablanca". Took a tour of the city including the exterior of the Hassan II Mosque, the largest Mosque in Morocco and the beautiful Corniche seaside. Continued on a short drive through the residential areas of Casablanca to the city center to visit the Mohamed V Square, the Habous quarter and the Notre Dame de Lourdes Cathedral. At night, enjoyed a Farewell Dinner and left for airport at 10 pm.
Farewell Dinner at Casablanca:
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