在印度,就像他們說的又髒又亂。不過不用擔心,我們在高高的豪華Volvo巴士內, 長途跋涉,抵達旅館景點之間,很少踏出車門, 但我們看到窗外每一件事物,就像看電影。事實上,如果做的正確,到印度比到中國旅遊,更不容易生病。
在旅館內, 我們看到印度人的寶萊塢式豪華婚禮。我們的導遊"寶玉", 是印度唯一講中文的錫克人,他講中文很溜, 他的好處是坦白, 讓我們了解真實的印度。他專門帶我們去看一個,可能是印度唯一的雞村。
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New Delhi is home to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Qutb Minar ad Humayun's Tomb. 新德里的古達明那塔和胡馬雍陵墓, 是兩個列入聯合國之世界文化遺產。
Qutub Minar is the tallest minaret in India and is made of red sandstone and marble and has a height of 72.5 meters. Construction began in 1192 by qutub-ud-din Aibak and was completed by Iltutmish. It is surrounded by several other ancient and medieval structures and ruins, collectively known as Qutub complex. 古達明那塔為全印度最高的石塔建築,融合波斯與印度的藝術,環繞塔壁裝飾著阿拉伯圖紋和古蘭經銘文,同時點綴著印度傳統工藝的藤蔓圖案和花彩垂飾。在1193年,由印度的第一位穆斯林統治者,德里蘇丹國王所建。
Humayun's tomb is the tomb of the Mughal Emperor Humayun and was commissioned by his wife in 1562, and designed by a Persian architect. It was the first garden-tomb on the Indian subcontinent and was also the first structure to use red sandstone at such a scale. 胡馬雍陵建於1570年,位於印度首都新德里的東南郊亞穆納河畔。此陵是蒙兀兒帝國創始人巴卑爾之子,帝国第二代君主胡馬雍及其皇妃的陵墓。胡馬雍陵是伊斯蘭教與印度教建筑風格的典型結合,混合紅色砂岩和黑、白色大理石, 並為印度第一座花園陵寢,著名的泰姬陵也是以此為範本所建。
We also went to see India Gate. We didn't have time to see Gandhi Cremation Site and Lotus Temple. We saw them when we came back to New Delhi near the end of the trip. The Lotus Temple is a Bahá'í House of Worship completed in 1986. It is a gathering place where people of all religions may worship God without denominational restrictions. 蓮花寺對無論宗教或其他背景的所有人開放,而朗誦和祈禱可以合唱的形式進行,可以以任何語言進行,堂內不得演奏樂器,不得佈道,也不進行宗教儀式。